The more layers of insulation on the base, sides and shell of your spa the better – every layer will save hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the life of your spa.
Any gap between the shell and cabinet will allow the hot air inside your spa to escape and will significantly increase running costs. Run your fingers under the lip of the spa shell to make sure the gap is small.
The thicker the shell of your spa the better. While shopping around, use your fingers to gauge the thickness by feeling underneath the outside lip of the spa shell.
A solid, wrap-around fibreglass base adds strength, sound and thermal insulation plus weather and pest proofing. Even if the base is not fibreglass, it should still completely cover the frame and have multiple layers of insulation.
Any hose used for jet plumbing that is not of food grade standard will transfer potentially harmful chemicals into your spa water. For your safety, insist that the jet hosing meets food grade standards.
Jets that “click” in and out and use bearings to spin will always have problems and will need replacing at a significant cost. Jets that screw in, have no bearings and are made from PVC (not soft plastic) will always spin freely, be easy to remove and will last much longer.
“Spa Net” offers the most advanced spa control technology, saving you money by minimising heating and filtration times. It is also the only spa control system to offer an integrated heat pump control system.
You should insist that any spa you buy has the pump, control system and plumbing connections in place to allow you to use a more efficient form of heating if and when you want to. Remember that spas with 2 speed pumps cannot be linked to a heat pump.
Spas are all about relaxation. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your spa is quiet. Be sure to check that the spa is well insulated and if possible, listen to it while all the pumps and air blower are running.